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하지불안증후군의 중의치료 연구 동향



Objectives: This study was conducted to assess how Traditional Chinese Medicine treats the medical condition of Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS).

Methods: The authors searched for relevant articles through the CNKI (China National Knowledge
with the following keywords: The main search was for the term ‘RLS,’
with supportive words added such as ‘Acupunture’, ‘Acupoint’, ‘Meridian’, ‘Moxibustion’, ‘Massage’, ‘Acupoint injection’.
Our search yielded a total of 233 articles; there were a total of 71 ar-ticles related to clinical fields.
We then analyzed the chosen articles using a number of criteria includ-ing the study type used,
the treatment method utilized, and the main effect of the treatment.

Results: The 71 analyzed articles utilized the following type of study design: 4 were classified as Quasi-randomised trial, 22 as Randomized Controlled Trial, and 45 as a case report.
Regarding the treatment used for RLS, 25 studies examined a single treatment modality, while 46 studies examined a complex treatment modality.
There were a total of 10 types of acupuncture treatment used in treat-ing RLS; several massage and acupoint injection method were also found.
Finally, there were a few studies that used Moxibustion, as well as several supportive treatments like Cupping, Moxibustion, Steam-Washing, TDP (Teding Dancibo Pu) were found.

Conclusions: Traditional Chinese Medicine has used a variety of different study designs and treatments vis-à-vis RLS.
These treatments are also used to treat the condition in South Korea.

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