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군대생활 부적응으로 급격한 체중감소를 나타낸 七情吐 환자 치험 1례
본 논문은 군대생활 부적응으로 칠정토(七情吐)증세를 보이는 환자에게 한방치료와 지언고론치료를 병행하여 호전된 사례로,
주요 내용으로는 환자에게 병을 인식시키고 대화를 통해 병을 극복하려는 의지를 북돋우는 지언고론치료법이 칠정토증세를 보이는 환자에게 효과적임을 보인다.
이는 동양의학이 부적응으로 인해 칠정토 증세를 보이는 환자에게 효과적임을 보인다.
Psychogenic vomiting (七情吐) is the disease of vomiting due to seven emotions that joy, anger, melancholy, anxiety, grief,
fear and terror being the response of the mind to the environmental stimuli.
We experienced a 21year-old man who had a psychogenic vomiting due to maladjustment in a military life,
and whose condition was improved through oriental medical treatment.
We treated the patient with Herbal medications and Giungoroen (至言高論)-wise saying and lofty opinion).
Giungoroen is psychological therapy that promotes patient's recognition of disease and will to cure it through conversation.
After being treated, the patient showed that symptoms (vomiting, nausea, abdominal discomfort, insomnia, a depressed mood, a feeling of uneasiness) was improved considerably.
Tills result suggests that oriental medical treatment bas good effect on psychogenic vomiting due to adjustment disorder.