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의학 논문

한음이 발표한 의학논문입니다.

자율 훈련법과 침치료를 시행하여 뉴로피드백 지표를 통해 관찰한 震顫患者의 증례


The purpose of this study is to investigate how much acupuncture treatment and autogenic training can affect to physical,
mental relaxation through neurofeedback(Alpha/Theta training).
I measured the numerical value of Alpha/H-Beta on the patient with facial tremor due to anxiety during acupuncture treatment and autogenic training, and when that patient wasn't relaxed I gave her feedback.
The result shows that autogenic training is always more effective than aucupuncture in making the patient relaxed.
On this case, the symptom was not much improved after having the treatments 10 times, but the frequency and intensity of the tremor decresed little.
In according to the number of treatments, relaxtion didn't ascend regularly. I think it depends on the patient's condition or surroundings.
I am unsatisfied I had only one case in this study and the number of treatments wasn't enough.
In the future, much more clinical and statistical studies on herbal, musical, aroma therapies should be needed.

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