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한국 처음 공황장애 한의학 박사 논문 공황장애의 한의학적 치료 효과 및 예측인자 연구
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to identify predictors of clinical efficacy of oriental medical treatment for patients with panic disorder.Methods: We analyzed medical records of 41 patients who were diagnosed with panic disorder through DSM-IV or ICD-10 by 2 oriental medical neuro-psychiatrists. We performed frequency analy-sis of demographic characteristics in patients with panic disorder, and assessed the correlation be-tween the psychological scales by Pearson correlation. Repeated measures ANOVA were used to com-pare the psychological scales during the treatment; and Single regression analysis was used to analyze the factors that have correlation to improvement of panic disorder by oriental medical treatment. Psychological scales used in the study were STAI-X-1/2, STAXI-S/T, BDI2, BAI, BSQ, PAS, ASI, LOT-R, SWLS, LSES and LSMS.Results: Patients’ demographic characteristics indicated that there were twice more female than male patients; furthermore, there was a high ratio of patients in their 20s and 30s, with the highest percent-age of onset-age in the 20s and average duration of panic disorder from 1∼5 years. More than half of the total patient cohort comprised of those who had panic disorder with agoraphobia and major de-pressive disorder; in addition, major accompanied symptoms were dyspepsia, chest discomfort and headache. After treatment, most scores of psychological scales were significantly reduced, and corre-lation between the psychological scales was significant. Furthermore, we identified some factors that were significantly correlated to improvement of panic disorder by oriental medical treatment.Conclusions: In conclusion, treatment of panic disorder with oriental medicine was clinically efficient and improved the quality of life.