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眼瞼下垂를 동반한 火病 환자 치험 1례


본 연구는 안검하수(眼瞼下垂)를 동반한 화병(火病) 환자 치험 1례로 5개월 간 화병을 앓고 있는 중
안검하수가 동반된 51세 여성에게 한약, 동양 심리치료, 침치료를 시행한 결과, 안검하수가 사라졌고, 화병도 점차 개선되었다.
따라서 한방 치료가 안검하수를 동반한 화병치료에 효과적이라는 내용이다.

Objectives : This study was designed to research the effect of oriental treatments for Hwabyung with Blepharoptosis.
Methods : A 51 year-old female patient has been suffered by Hwabyung for 5 months and by Blepharoptosis for 2 weeks.
We treated the patient with Herbal medication, oriental psychotherapy and acupuncture.
Results : As a result of oriental treatments, Blepharoptosis was disappeared, and the symptoms of Hwabyung was improved gradually.
Conclusions : These result suggest that oriental treatments have an effect on Hwabyung with Blepharoptosis.

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