의학 논문
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화병에 대한 산림치유프로그램의 치료 효과
Objectives :The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of a 3 day Hwa-Byung forests healing program, which consists of helpful contents of Korean medicine.
Methods :This study examined the effects of forests healing for Hwa-Byung patients, visited Korean medicine hospital neuropsychiatry clinic for outpatients.
The Hwa-Byung forests healing program was run with 20 participants; 4 of them quit in the middle of the program and excluded in data analysis.
The Hwa-Byung forests healing program consisted of 3 day helpful Korean medicine contents.
The primary outcome measurement was Hwa-Byung symptom score, which measured various symptoms of Hwa-Byung.
Results :The results of this study showed that Hwa-Byung symptoms were significantly alleviated. General psychological states,including depression, anxiety, and anger, were significantly improved.
Quality of life was also enhanced after 3 day program. These results indicate that the 3 day Hwa-Byung forests healing program was effective for the overall improvements of Hwa-Byung patients.
Conclusions :The 3 day Hwa-Byung forests healing program were shown to be an effective intervention in improving the overall aspects of Hwa-Byung patients, including symptoms, depression, anxiety, anger, and Quality of life.
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