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암 환자의 핵심칠정척도를 활용한 정서적 특성 연구


Objectives The Purpose of this study was to conduct a characteristic study on cancer patients using the
Core Seven Emotions Inventory (CSEI) followed by a correlation analysis with STAI, STAXI and
BDI.Methods This study was conducted by analyzing the medical records of 21 patients who had visited
○○ University Oriental hospital and completed the Core Seven Emotions Inventory (CSEI), BAI, and BDI.
A total of 21 patients diagnosed with Cancer were analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for the
Social Science, IBM, United States of America, Version 22.0). Frequency Analysis, independent t-test,
one-sample t-test, and correlation analysis were conducted.Results 1. The Seven Emotion
Characteristics of the Cancer patients showed a fairly stable emotional Distribution. The Gong (恐) and
Kyeong (驚) emotions were relatively higher than U (憂), Bi (悲), Sa (思), Hui (喜), No (怒). 2. According
to Gender, Female patients exhibited higher Sa (思) and Kyeong (驚) emotions while male patients
exhibited higher Bi (悲) Emotion. 3. No (怒), U (憂), Bi (悲), Sa (思), Gong (恐), and Kyeong (驚)
emotions showed a high correlation with the BDI and BAI scores of cancer patients.

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