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화병환자의 불면증 침치료가 인체의 자율신경계에 미치는 영향
Objectives: The purpose of this research is to examine effects of acupuncture treatment on the auto-nomic
nervous systems of Hwa-byung patients with insomnia. Methods: The study was performed through
a patient-assessor blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial in which the volunteers, data collectors,
and analysts were unaware of which individuals were re-ceiving the treatment. A total of thirty-seven
volunteers were divided into 2 groups. Eighteen subjects were placed into a trial group and 19 subjects
into a control group using a randomization table. The trial group was treated with bilateral Shigu, Ahnmyun,
B62 (Shinmaek), and K6 (Chohae), while the control group was not given any other treatment.
The ISI (Insomnia Severity Scale) was measured as the first evaluative instrument, and then a comparative
analysis was conducted by comparing the re-sults with those measured by ANS (BVP/HR, respiration rate,
peripheral temperature, skin con-ductance, EMG).Results: In the BVP/HR, statistically significant decreases were
found in those from the trial group compared to those of the control group. Skin conductance was found to be
significantly increased in the trial group, as compared to the control group. However, there were no significant
differences be-tween the groups with respect to peripheral temperature, respiration rate, and EMG.Conclusions:
The results suggest that acupuncture treatment is effective in the treatment of hwa-by-ung patients who suffer
from insomnia due to their autonomic nervous systems.