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자하거 약침이 βA로 유도된 Alzheimer's disease 병태 모델에 미치는 영향



Objective: Hominis Placenta is used in many cure, mainly treats a weak, chronic disease, especially senile. This research investigates the effect of the Hominis Placenta Herbal-Acupuncture Solution on Alzheimer's disease.

Method: The effects of the Hominis Placenta Herbal-Acupuncture Solution on (1) IL-1β protein, TNF-α protein, MDA, and CD68/CD11b (2) the behavior (3) the infarction area of the hippocampus, and brain tissue injury in Alzheimer's diseased mice induced with βA were investigated.

1. For the Hominis Placenta Herbal-Acupuncture Solution group a significant inhibitory effect on the memory deficit was shown for the mice with Alzheimer's disease induced by βA in the Morris water maze experiment, which measured stop-through latency, and distance movement-through latency.
2. The Hominis Placenta Herbal-Acupuncture Solution group suppressed the over-expression of IL-1β protein, TNF-α protein, MDA, and CD68/CD11b, in the mice with Alzheimer's disease induced by βA.
3. The Hominis Placenta Herbal-Acupuncture Solution group reduced the infarction area of hippocampus, and controlled the injury of brain tissue in the mice with Alzheimer's disease induced by βA.
4. The Hominis Placenta Herbal-Acupuncture Solution group reduced the Tau protein, GFAP protein, and presenilin1/2 protein, beta-secretase protein, (immunohistochemistry) of hippocampus in the mice with Alzheimer's disease induced by βA.

Conclusion: These results suggest that the Hominis Placenta Herbal-Acupuncture Solution group may be effective for the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Investigation into the clinical use of the Hominis Placenta Herbal-Acupuncture Solution for Alzheimer's disease is suggested for future research.

[원문 보기 클릭]                  

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