의학 논문
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단기정신병적 장애로 진단된 담기울결형(痰氣鬱結型) 전증(癲證) 환자 1례(例)
본 논문은 단기정신병적 장애로 진단된 담기울결형(痰氣鬱結型) 전증(癲證)을 동양의학으로 진료한 것으로,
주요내용은 단기정신병적 장애를 보이는 환자를 한방치료와 지언고론법과 휴식요법을 통해 증상을 개선한 것으로
이러한 결과는 동양의학처방이 두드러진 스트레스요인으로 단기정신병적 장애를 보이는 환자에게 효과적임을 나타내는 내용이다.
Jeon-zeong(癲證) is mostly caused by anxiety and melancholy, impairment of heart and the spleen, or stasis of phlegm-Gi and heart confused by phlegm.
Its manifestation are characterized by depression, expressionlessness, inclination for quietness, self muttering and hallucinating,
caprice in crying and laughing, paraphasia, loss of appetite, unawareness of filth and cleanness, etc.
We experienced a 50year-old man who bad brief psycbotic disorder that specified with Marked Stressor and whose condition was improved through oriental medical treatment.
We treated the patient with Herbal medications and Giungoroen (至言高論)-wise saying and lofty opinion) and Relaxation therapy.
After being treated, the patient showed that symptoms (insomnia, anxiety, depression) was improved considerably.
This result suggests that oriental medical treatment has good effect on brief psychotic disorder due to Marked Stressor.