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의학 논문

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고압산소요법을 병행한 한방치료로 호전된 주의력결핍-과잉행동장애를 동반한 학습장애 아동의 치험 1례에 대한 고찰



Objectives: This study is a clinical report of a patient with ADHD and learning disorders who is being treated with hyperbaric oxygen, scalp acupuncture, cognitive enhancement therapy and speech-lan-guage therapy.

Methods: The BASA-R, BASA-M and REVT tests were used for the diagnosis of learning disorders.
For the treatment, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, scalp acupuncture, cognitive enhancement therapy and speech-language therapy were all being used.
The Raven's matrix tests were compared for between before and after the abovementioned therapies.

Results: After the treatment, Raven's matrix test grade improved from 4 to 5.
The improvement of the patient's concentration, communication, motion, confidence, and sleep conditions were observed.

Conclusions: These therapies including the hyperbaric oxygen therapy are efficient for the treatment of ADHD and learning disorders.

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