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ADHD 환자에게 미술치료와 한방치료를 병행하여 치료한 치험 3예
Objectives: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a psychiatric disorder,
characterized by the primary symptoms of inattention and/or hyperactivity and impulsivity.
The aim of this study is to investigate the clinical efficiency of the oriental medical therapy combined with art therapy in the treatment of ADHD.
Methods: This study is clinical reports of 3 patients with ADHD who are being treated with the oriental medical therapy (Herb-med, acupuncture) and art therapy.
K-ARS (Korean ADHD Rating Scale) was compared before and after 1 month of treatment.
Results: The Oriental medical therapy including herb-med and acupuncture is effective in improving ADHD patients.
Also, art therapy is effective in decreasing patients' anxiety and tension and helpful for patients themselves to make an objective observation.
Therefore, it is practically useful in the treat-ment of ADHD.
Conclusions: The results show the oriental medical therapy in combination with art therapy is effective in the treatment of ADHD.