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오감을 이용한 다각적 치료의 불안, 우울 증상 치료 효과



Objectives: This study aimed to examine the effects of multidimensional five senses treatment on pa-tients with depression or anxiety.

Methods: This study examined the effects of multidimensional five senses treatment for patients with depression or anxiety who visited the neuropsychiatric clinic of Korean medicine.
STAI-X1,X2, BDI, BAI, PAS were used to determine whether the mood (depression or anxiety) of patients was improved.

Results: Our results showed that multidimensional five senses treatment improved the depressive symptoms or anxiety symptoms.
In addition, after the multidimensional five senses treatment, PAS score in patients with panic disorder was improved.

Conclusions: The multidimensional five senses treatment was effective for the improvement of pa-tients with depression or anxiety.

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