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치매 환자의 임상증상에 대한 조사 연구
Objectives :The aim of this survey study is to analysis clinical symptoms and patterns of dementia patients.
The results of this study will be used to support development of the oriental herbal medicine for dementia.
Methods :Clinical data were collected from 41 dementia patients and 20 aged persons who have no cognitive impairment in 3 sites including 2 hospitals and 1 sanatorium.
‘The instrument of oriental medical evaluation for dementia’ is used to evaluate clinical symptoms and patterns of all subjects.
Results :
1. Subjects of deficiency syndrome patterns were nearly three times more than subjects of excess syndrome patterns.
2. In dementia patient group, the average rate for 4 clinical symptoms, related with treatment principle of clear heat, was 26.9%.
3. The average rate for 4 clinical symptoms, related with condition of urine and feces, was 15.6%.
4. The average rate for 5 clinical symptoms, related with anger, irritation, anxiety and restlessness, was 40.0%.
Conclusions :
1. It is needed to develop new herbal medicine for dementia focuing on clear heat, anger, irritation, anxiety, restlessness, and condition of urine and feces.
2.‘The instrument of oriental medical evaluation for dementia’ has strong tendency that excessively reflects general geriatric symptoms,
related to deficiency syndrome patterns. so, more clinical symptoms of excess syndrome should be added in this tool.