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화병역학연구 자료를 기반으로 한 화병 환자의 특성
Objectives :The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics of Hwa-Byung(HB) patients, draw the clinical key issue of HB,
and provide the data as the basis for development of Clinical Guideline of HB.
Methods :The study participants included 151 subjects who thought they have HB in 9 site.
For all patients, we used HB epidemiologic study protocol, which include the Korean version of the Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-IV Diagnosis (SCID-1),
diagnostic criteria of HB, symptoms check list, pattern identification tool, psychiastric psychological questionaires, and Framingham coronary risk score(FRS).
Results :
1. For all participants, 62 % of subjects were diagnosed with HB.
These patients had comorbid DSM-IV diagnoses with depression (65%) and anxiety (27%).
But 22% of these patients had only HB.
2. HB patients had various physical symptoms when visiting, were diagnosed as various disease, and undergone medical treatments in the past.
Among the diagonsed illness, Gastronitestinal diseases (51.6%), psychiatric disorders(40.9%), endocrine diseases(39.8%) were being the most frequent.
The frequent physical symptoms of HB patients reported were chest discomfort, head ache, pallpitation, frequent sigh, amnesia, shoulder pain, dry mouth, eye fatigue etc.
3. HB patients had high scores in psychologic questionares, CES-D, STAI, and STAXI. It means that HB patients might be low-level emotional stability.
4. Participant had negative opinion about the treatment of HB that it would be difficult or impossible (65.7%), but they neglect the need of medical treatment .
Conclusions :This result shows that HB is comorbid with various psychiatric disease, but it has different physio-psychological symptoms from others and there were only HB patients.
so we identify HB is independent disease.
Moreover, there were the wrong perception of HB which blocking treatments.
These problems support that the neccesity of development of Clinical Guideline of HB.