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밀러피셔증후군의 불면증 환자 치험 1례
본 연구는 밀러피셔증후군의 불면증 환자 치험 1례로
불면증을 동반한 밀러피셔증후군을 진단받은 63세 여자 환자에게 한약과 전기 침 시술을 하여 수면 시간과 안구운동을 측정한 결과
안근마비,운동실조 등의 전반적인 상태가 호전 되었고 수면 시간에도 좋은 효과를 볼 수 있었다.
따라서 불면증을 동반한 밀러피셔증후군에 한방 치료가 매우 효과적임을 보여주는 내용이다.
Objectives : This study is designed investigate the effect of oriental medial therapy on a 63 year old female patient had Miller Fisher Syndrome with sleeplessness.
Methods : We experienced a case of Miller Fisher Syndrome and treated with herbal medicine, eletro-acupuncture.
The effects of treatment were measured by sleeping hour, taken measurements with a ruler(eyeball movement).
Results : Whole condition (ophthalmoplegia, ataxia and so on) was improved and Oriental treatment had a good effect on sleeping hour.
Conclusions : Oriental medical treatments were very effective for the patient had Miller Fisher Syndrome with sleeplessness.