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심리적인 충격으로 인해 발병한 下顎振顫 환자 치험 1례
본 연구는 심리적인 충격으로 인해 발병한 하악진전(下顎振顫) 환자 치험 1례로
본 증례의 환자는 크게 놀란 이후 하악부위에 진전이 발생하여 양방의 약물치료를 받았으나 호전이 없어 침치료를 동반한 한약 치료를 시행한 결과
하악진전 증상이 유의미하게 감소되었고 불면증 같은 부수적인 증상들도 사라졌다.
따라서 진전에 한방 치료가 효과적임을 보여주는 내용이다.
Objectives : Tremor is increasing recently especially among senior citizens. In this case,
the patient who had mandibular tremor caused by trauma, was not improved by western medicine.
We tried to apply Oriental medical treatment.
Methods : We treated the patient with acupuncture therapy and herbal medication and measured the frequency of the tremor,
Jaw expression of Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale(AIMS) and Visual analog scale.
Results: After treatment symptom of mandibular tremor was decreased significantly and other symptoms such as insomnia disappeared.
Conclusions : During the admission days symptoms are decreased in contentment.
This result suggests that Oriental medical treatment has good effect on tremor.