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의학 논문

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반하(半夏)가 스트레스로 인한 생쥐의 뇌조직 유전자변화에 미치는 영향 연구



Objectives: Pinelliae Rhizoma has traditionally been used as an anti-depressant in oriental medicine.
This study is to investigate the effect of Pinelliae Rhizoma extract (PRe) on psychological stress in genome wild expression of mice.

Methods: After giving physical stress to mice, PRe was orally administered with 100 mg/kg/day for five days.
After extracting whole brain tissue from the mice, their genome changes were observed by micorarray analysis method.

The genome changes were analyzed by IMAGENE 4.0, TREEVIEW, FatiGo algorithems, BOND database, cytoscape program, etc.

1. PRe administered group were remained at normal level; 60% of increase was shown in expressed genes by physical stress, and 65% of decrease was shown in expressed genes by psychological stress.
2. Genes with increased expression in control group that remained at a normal state in PRe administered group were involved with the gene of a cellular metabolic process on biological process, protein binding on molecular function, and cell part on cell composition. The pathway was found to be cytokin-cytokin receptor interaction.
3. Genes with decreased expression in control group that remained at a normal state in PRe administered group were involved with the gene of a cellular metabolic process on biologiacl detail and coupled ATPaes activity on molecular function. This gene related path was Ubiquintin mediated proteolysis etc.
4. Core node genes analyzed by protein interaction network were Vinculin, Cell sdivision cycle 42 homolog (S. cerevisiae) etc.
They played an important role in maintaining cytoskeleton and controlling cell cycle. Conclusions: Several genes were up-regulated and down-regulated in response to psychological stress.
The expression of most of the genes that were altered in response to psychological stress was restored to normal levels in PRe treated mice.
When the interaction network information was analyzed, the recovery of the core node genes in PRe treated mice indicates that this final set of genes may be the effective target of PRe.

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