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천마의 용량에 따른 기억력 향상 효과에 대한 연구
Objectives: This study was designed to investigate the dose-dependent effects of Gastrodia elata Blume for memory improvement.
Methods: This study was a 12-weeks, double blind, and comparative clinical study.
Those who were eli-gible worked with a group of healthy seniors, all 60 years of age or older.
22 subjects were randomized either to Gastrodia elata Blume powder form that was steeped in hot water or placebo.
We measured the faculty of memory by using MMSE-K, Digit Span, Letter Fluency Test, Word List Memory Test, and Trail Making Test, and again after 12 weeks.
1) Neither Gastrodia elata Blume groups nor control have a difference in MMSE-K, Digit Span, Letter Fluency Test, and Trail Making Test.
2) Gastrodia elata Blume group showed significant advances in immediate recall 1 and 2 of Word List Memory Test, and 3 g group show better results than the 4 g group.
3) 4 g Gastrodia elata Blume group showed significant advances in the recognition of Word List Memory Test.
Conclusions: The results suggest that positive effects on memory improvement due to Gastrodia elata Blume depend on the amount.