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전문가 설문을 통한 주의력결핍 과잉행동장애 변증의 주요 증상 빈도 연
Objectives: The objectives of this study is to investigate the characteristics of Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
pattern identification based on the survey of frequencies of symptoms and signs according to the pediatricians and psychiatrists in Korean Medicine.
Methods: Eleven pediatricians and fourteen psychiatrists participated in this study.
38 symptoms and signs of 4 ADHD pattern identifications (Kidney yin deficiency and liver yang ascendant hyperactivity 腎虛肝亢,
Dual deficiencies in the heart and spleen 心脾兩虛, Phlegm-fire harassing the heart 痰火擾心,
Spleen weakness and liver energy preponderance 脾虛肝旺) were used to evaluate the frequencies of ADHD.
The differences in frequencies of symptoms and signs amongst ADHD pattern identifications, and the correlations between them were analyzed.
Results: There were significant differences in the frequencies of symptoms and signs between each pattern identification.
Dual Deficiencies in the Heart and Spleen 心脾兩虛 is negatively related with hyperactivity and impulsivity, and positively related with inattention.
Phlegm-fire Harassing the Heart 痰火擾心 is positively related with hyperactivity and impulsivity, and negatively related with inattention.
Conclusions: The results of the characteristics of ADHD pattern identifications
from the survey analysis could be used in the clinical practices of ADHD as well as to improve the ADHD pattern identification questionnaire.