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뇌전증의 한의학적 임상치료 국내 연구 동향 분석
Objectives: To review research trends in the treatment of epilepsy with Traditional Korean Medicine.
Methods: Thirteen studies were selected by searching OASIS, RISS, SIENCEON, KISS, KoreaMed, and KMBASE from 2000.01.01 to 2021.08.28.
Results: Studies were analyzed by year, format, publication site, age of patient, treatment method, follow- up study, herbal treatment, acupuncture, and limitations. Analysis confirmed that oriental medical treatment was sufficiently effective in relieving symptoms of epilepsy.
Conclusions: Acupuncture and herbal medicine could be considered to relieve symptoms of epilepsy. However, due to some limitations in those studies, more in-depth and broader research is needed in the future.