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초록 Objectives: This study was intended to review the research trends of treating neuropsychiatric diseases and symptoms with Traditional Chinese Medicine containing Haematitum. Methods: Articles were obtained through the CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) by searching with ‘Haematitum' as the main key word,and supportive words related with neuropsychiatric diseases and symptoms were selected.There were 61 articles related to clinical fields, which were then classified according to study design. Results: The 61 articles were categorized into the following types of study design: 3 randomized controlled trials,1 quasi-randomized trial, 3 simple-designed clinical trials, and 54 case studies.Decoctions containing Haematitum were used to treat diseases and symptoms such as vertigo, headache, stroke, epilepsy, neurosis, globus hystericus,fishbilepoisoning, insomnia, mania, post-traumatic brain syndrome, and kinesia.All articles reported a good rate of effectiveness.There was no poor responsiveness regarding the effects of Haematitum in 9 studies, but it was not mentioned in the other 52 studies.Decoctions self-prepared by the authors were used in 28 studies.Modified Seonbokdeja-tang, modified Banhabeakchulcheonma-tang, modified Ondam-tang were used in that order of frequency.The daily dosage of Haematitum provided was 0.2∼6 g in powder, and 9∼60 g in decoction. Conclusions: Decoctions containing Haematitum are used restrictively in the neuropsychiatric clinical scene.While there were no...
한음 2024.03.22 추천 0 조회 50
한음 2024.03.22 추천 0 조회 45
초록 본 논문은 자궁내막증으로 인한 소음인(少陰人) 붕루(崩漏)환자의 온백원(溫白元)을 이용한 치험1례에 관한 연구로서, 주요 내용은 다음과 같다.자궁내막증으로 인한 비정상 자궁출혈이 있는 소음인 환자에게 온백원을 처방하였고, 출혈량과 신체 증상을 통해 질병의 호전 정도를 확인하였다.온백원의 사상체질 치료 후에 출혈량과 신체 증상이 호전되었다.이 사례는 온백원을 처치하는 것이 소음인의 자궁내막증으로 인한 비정상 자궁출혈에 효과적이었음을 나타낸다.온백원은 파두 대신 사용되었다는 내용이다. 1. Objectives: The purpose of this case is to report the effect of Onbaek-won(溫白元)which is based on Sasang Constitutional Medicine for abnormal uterine bleeding from Endometriosis in Soeumin. 2. Methods: We treated Soeumin patient that had abnormal uterine bleeding from endometriosis.We prescribed Onbaek-won(溫白元) for her physical symptoms.The improvement of her disease was checked her bleeding volume and other physical symptoms. 3. Results: After the Sasang constitutional medication of Onbaek-won(溫白元) was given, her bleeding volume and her physical symptoms was improved. 4. Conclusions: This case study show an efficient result of using Onbaek-won(溫白元) in abnormal uterine bleeding from endometriosis of Soeumin.Onbaek-won(溫白元) was used instead of Semen Tiglii(巴豆).[원문 보기]
한음 2024.03.22 추천 0 조회 48
초록 본 논문은 양약 복용 후 추체외로증후군을 나타낸 정신분열형 장애 환자에게 EFT 요법과 한방치료를 병행하여 치료한 치험 1례에 관한 것으로,주요 내용은 가장 흔한 정신 질환 중 하나로 알려진 정신분열증의 전단계인 정신분열형 장애에 대한 한약의 치료 효과와 양약의 부작용 감소 효과를 조사 하였다.환청을 호소하는 정신분열형 장애로 진단받은 환자를 한약과 침술로 치료하여 증상 개선에 대해 매일 기록하였고,환자의 불안증을 조절하기 위한 Emotional Freedom Techniques(감정 자유 기법, EF)을 사용하였다. 환청과 추체외로 증후군 증상이 사라졌다.환자의 불안증은 EFT 요법에 의하여 효과적으로 조절되었다.위 결과로부터 한방 치료는 정신분열형 장애의 임상 증상 치료에 효과적이었고, 양약의 부작용을 감소시켰다는 내용이다. Objectives : Schizophreniform Disorder can be put as pre-stage of Schizophrenia, which is known as one of the most common mental disorder.Many studies have shown that Antipsychotic Treatment for Schizophrenia has many side effects such as EPS(Extrapyramidal Symptoms),and recently it has been found that even Non-Antipsychotic Treatment has side effects such as weight gain.This clinical study was aimed to search the therapeutic effects of Oriental medicine in Schizophreniform Disorder,and in reducing the side effects of Western medicine. Methods : We treated the patient diagnosed as Schizophreniform Disorder, whose chief complaint was auditory hallucination,with herbal medicine and acupuncture.Improvement in her clinical symptoms were recorded daily.We also used Emotional Freedom Techniques to control...
한음 2024.03.22 추천 0 조회 46
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