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항우울제 복용환자에 대한 한의치료와 심리치료 활용 2례보고



Objectives: The purpose of this study is to show that patients taking antidepressants significantly respond to Korean medical treatments and M&L psychotherapy.

Methods: We treated two patients with Korean medical treatments (acupuncture, moxibustion and Herbal Medicine)
and psychotherapy including M&L psychotherapy and Li-Gyeung-Byun-Qi therapy.
The patients were diagnosed based on DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for MDD.
Beck's Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck's Anxiety Inventory (BAI), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI),
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) were used to evaluate the patients.

Results: The following observations were made after treatments:
Case 1: the patient showed significant improvement in Beck's Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck's Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS).
Case 2: the patient showed significant improvement in Beck's Depression Inventory (BDI), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI),
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS).

Conclusions: These results suggest that Korean medical treatments and M&L psychotherapy might be effective for treating patients suffering from MDD.

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