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우울증에 대한 한약물 치료 문헌적 고찰 : 무작위 대조군 임상연구를 중심으로



Objectives :This study aimed to investigate frequently used herbal materials among herbal prescription for depression focusing on randomized controlled trial.

Methods :Every article relevant to depression was initially obtained from China National Infrastructure(CNKI),
Korean database and book hand-searching. Searching keywords were 'depression', 'herbal medicine' and 'randomized controllled trial(RCT)'.

Results :Among comorbidity with depression, the most accompanied disease was that of circulatory system. Among sixty-five articles, depression with cerebral vascular disease was twenty-eight.
Article about mood disorder was twenty-four.
High frequently used herbal materials were Bupleuri Radix(41times), Curcumae Radix(34 times),Acori Graminei Rhizoma and Cnidii Rhizoma(24 times).

Conclusions :According to this study, we could know select frequent-used herbal medicine. In a clinical treatment, herbal materials can be added herbal prescription related to depression.
As these results, it can be helpful to develop new drugs.

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