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한의대생의 학업성취도와 생활 양식 및 심리 특성과의 관계에대한 기초연구
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to research the correlation between academic achievement, lifestyle, and the psychological characteristics of Korean medical students.
Methods: The grade point averages of 73 Korean medical students were collected. Surveys including lifestyle and psychological properties of Korean medical students were conducted.
Results: In the MBI-SS (Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey) survey, the scores of the top, medium, and bottom groups showed statistically significant difference in at least one group, and the score of the bottom group was higher than that of the top group. In the SES (Self-Esteem Scale) survey, the scores of the top, middle, and bottom groups showed statistically significant differences in at least one group, and the scores of the top group were higher than those of the medium and bottom groups.
Conclusions: Some lifestyle and psychological characteristics of Korean medical students were correlated with academic achievement. Thus, the results could be used as a valuable resource for improving academic achievements of Korean medical students.