의학 논문
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한의대생의 A형 행동유형과 생활 양식 및 심리 특성과의 관계 연구
Objectives : To determine the relationship between Type A Behavior Pattern and lifestyle and psychological characteristics of Korean medical students.
Methods : The Type A Behavior Pattern in 73 Korean medical students was measured. Questionnaires were conducted on lifestyle and mental characteristics.
Results : In the PSQI, ISI, S-Scale, BEPSI-K, PWI-SF, CES-D, BDI, STAI-X-1, STAI-X-2, K-RTA, PWI-SF and PSS surveys, The score of Type A Behavior Pattern was significantly higher than that of Type B Behavior Pattern. Otherwise, in SES, WHOQOL-BREF(Physical, Psychological) and SWLS surveys, The score of Type A Behavior Pattern was significantly lower than that of Type B Behavior Pattern.
Conclusions : Lifestyle and psychological characteristics of Korean medical students are correlated with Type A Behavior Pattern. Therefore, Type A Behavior Pattern could be used an indicator reflecting various properties of Korean medical students