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주의력결핍 과잉행동장애(ADHD) 한의 변증 설문지 개발 연구
Objectives: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention
and/or hyperactivity impulsivity that interferes with function or development in children.
In traditional Korean medicine (TKM) and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM),
ADHD is classified by several patterns based on symptoms and signs.
However, currently, there is no objective diagnostic tool for ADHD in traditional medicine.
The objective of this study was to develop the Pattern Identification Questionnaire for ADHD (parents-survey style) to be used in Korean medicine,
through a literature re-view and consultation with groups of experts.
Methods: The types of pattern identifications of ADHD mentioned in 13 pieces of Korean and Chinese literatures and their symptoms and signs were analyzed.
The advisory committee (15 Neuropsychiatrist and 11 Pediatrist in Korean Medicine) assessed the appropriateness of the literature selection
and the types of pattern identification selection and their symptoms and signs,
and weighed the significance of the symptoms and signs.
The Pattern Identification Questionnaire for ADHD was developed using the calculated weights by evaluated significance.
The translation of symptoms and signs to the Korean language was achieved through consultation with expert translators.
Results: 1. Four pattern identification types and their symptoms and signs were selected according to frequency of appearance in the Korean and Chinese literatures, and were reviewed by the advisory committee: Kidney yin deficiency and liver yang ascendant hyperactivity (腎虛肝亢),
Dual deficiencies in the heart and spleen (心脾兩虛), Phlegm-fire harassing the heart (痰火擾心), and Spleen weakness and liver energy preponderance (脾虛肝旺).
2. The weights of all the symptoms and signs in the four patterns were calculated using the means and standard deviations of the symptoms and signs’ import-ance that were obtained from specialists’ significance weighting.
3. The Pattern Identification Question-naire for ADHD (parents-survey style) in Korean medicine composed of 38 questions was suggested.
Conclusions: Using a review of the literature and expert advice,
Pattern Identification Questionnaire for ADHD (parents-survey style) in Korean medicine was developed.
Further clinical study is required to develop a final version of the questionnaire through the evaluation of reliability and validity.